What you need to know for a Scandinavian road trip


The content of the article:

  • Pros of traveling by car
  • Two options for a car trip
  • Hotels are not the best option!
  • Skip restaurants
  • Preparing the car
  • Documentation
  • What we take with us on the road
  • Toll roads in Scandinavian countries
  • Gasoline cost
  • Traffic Laws
  • Ferries - a visiting card of the fjord countries
  • How much money to cook

The expression "inexpensive vacation in Scandinavia" sounds somewhat unrealistic. Indeed, the countries of this region are famous for their high affluence, the corresponding standard of living, the highest quality in Europe, but at the same time the prices for tourists are also the highest here.

But this does not mean at all that a trip to these amazingly beautiful and colorful European countries is a pleasure inaccessible to most tourists. You can significantly save money and get a lot of positive impressions by going to Scandinavia by car.

Pros of traveling by car

There are so many bright and memorable places in the Scandinavian countries that it would be a shame to go on a tourist trip and limit yourself to just a few attractions in a couple of cities.

The fact is that remarkable places are scattered here at a fairly large distance from each other - in order to see them, you will have to show mobility, actively move long distances.

That is why the car is the optimal solution for those who have a driver's license. The roads of Scandinavia are a constant pleasure from natural beauty, many interesting corners where you want to look along the way. Naturally, a bus trip with a tourist group will not provide such an opportunity.

But traveling with a family or a group of like-minded people by car is an excellent solution: you can stop where you want for the time you see fit.

Two options for a car trip

Scandinavia is “almost near”, that is, far enough away to understand that it will not be possible to limit ourselves to a weekend tour. The route of the trip can take from two to three weeks - this is the only way to truly appreciate the beauty and originality of these countries.

Don't have such long free time? In this case, you can save on the road: you get to one of the Scandinavian countries by plane, and there you rent a car.

In order not to spend extra money, it is better to check in advance the prices for tickets and the size of the cost of renting a car in cities such as Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen.

Advance planning is the foundation of a successful trip

You need to plan a car trip to the Scandinavian countries in advance. This will help to cover as much as possible all the remarkable interesting places in the countries, and to correctly distribute finances, and somewhere even try to save money.

Scandinavia is a Nordic country, so the best time to visit them is during the summer. In cold weather, from mid-autumn to mid-spring, a number of roads in these countries are closed due to heavy snowfalls, and you may simply not get somewhere.

By the way, you can see snow on the roads of the Scandinavian countries at the beginning of summer, so the driver needs to be careful and be careful while driving.

Hotels are not the best option!

Photo: camping in Norway

Where to stay for the night? This is not an idle question for such a trip. As we have already mentioned, hotel prices in Scandinavian countries, to put it mildly, "bite". But there is an alternative - camping!

Unlike the usual concept of camping in the form of a group of tents inhabited by "wild" vacationers on the seashore, there are campgrounds with small houses that are equipped with lighting, a miniature kitchen and even heating, and in some cases - an individual bathroom.

By and large, these campsites are budget hotels, where you will be given linen and dishes for a fee (therefore, if you want to save money, it is better to take all this from home with you).

There are also tent campsites in Scandinavia, and they allow very good savings on accommodation, but, of course, the level of comfort in them will be incomparably lower.

Skip restaurants

The Scandinavian countries are distinguished by a high level of prices in cafes and restaurants, so it will be wasteful to dine in them on a trip. The most convenient and economical option is to buy food in stores, and you can have a snack in one of the specially created places for this by the side of the road.

Along the Scandinavian roads, there are many tables with benches, next to them there are toilets (free and comfortable) and garbage cans, which are cleaned regularly. Al fresco dining surrounded by a beautiful natural landscape is a long-lasting feature of the North European journey.

Preparing the car

So, after you've planned your trip, booked accommodation, approved the itinerary, it's time to get your car ready for the trip.

In order not to encounter technical problems during the trip, we would like to draw your attention to the following points:

  • tire tires should be as new as possible and certainly not "bald";
  • It is better to give the car to a service station to check the chassis, engine and suspension;
  • outwardly, the car must be intact - for example, even a long crack on the windshield can lead to the fact that it will not be possible to go through customs and border control, the car will not be allowed into the country;
  • taking engine oil with you, open and retighten each canister so that there are no problems at the border (customs may decide that you are bringing in oil for sale);
  • check for the presence of a spare wheel - it must be mandatory;
  • check the need in advance and, if necessary, change all filters, refrigerant, and other fluids.

It is imperative to bring spare headlight and side light bulbs, fuses, a compressor and a jack. A supply of ropes, clamps, wire will also not interfere.


The set of necessary documents for entering the Scandinavian countries is standard for both the car, the passengers and the driver.
For those who go on a tour it is:

  • international passport with a Schengen visa;
  • medical insurance of the appropriate sample.

For auto:

  • international insurance (the so-called "Green Card");
  • route sheet;
  • technical passport.

For the driver:

  • international driving license;
  • if the driver is driving by power of attorney - a document confirming his right to drive a car.

What we take with us on the road

You should take with you on your trip:

  1. Camping equipment. Do not forget that there are very cheap campsites in which there is only a place for a tent, and you have to take it with you.
  2. Clothes, including more removable clothes. Also, do not forget that even summer in Scandinavia can be cool: warm socks, a woolen hat can be quite useful at night.
  3. Products: canned food, sugar (which is quite expensive here), cereals, tea, coffee, crackers. Vegetables in these countries are not very expensive, so there should be no problem with them.
  4. Camping gas stove, cooking utensils. You should also take gas cylinders with you.

Of course, you should definitely take a GPS navigator with you, and several programs in case you get confused with the route.

Well, and an obligatory moment - the camera: there are so many beauties here that any card for the camera will not be enough! Don't forget about power banks and all kinds of chargers.

Electronics is a wonderful invention of mankind, but do not forget that the Internet has a tendency to end, and electricity - to turn off even in such countries. Therefore, paper road maps must be present in the car's glove compartment.

Toll roads in Scandinavian countries

Photo: Atlantic Ocean Road in Norway

Another item of spending on a trip to Scandinavian countries is toll roads and tunnels. An automatic toll collection system has been introduced here for toll highway tolls - the system takes a photo of the license plate of an entering car, after which the bill for using a toll highway either arrives by mail, or the amount is charged automatically from the specified bank account, which can be registered on the profile website ...

If you want to travel not by personal, but by a rented car, register the car in the system before leaving. In this case, an invoice for using toll highways and tunnels will be sent to the address of the company where you rented a car, and you will not have to spend money on sending these invoices to your mailing address.

Gasoline cost

Gasoline in Scandinavian countries is one of the most expensive in Europe, which, in general, is strange, given that the same Norway is a member of the top three countries in oil production. The cost of one liter of gasoline in Norway is NOK 16.

Such a high price is explained by "stabilization and provision of future generations", but, be that as it may, gasoline is the item that will require significant expenses on the trip.

Traffic Laws

Photo: traffic police in Sweden

Traffic rules in Scandinavian countries are strict. The size of the fines is sensitive here - for example, you can easily "park" for half a thousand crowns. Therefore, it is better to simply comply with all the requirements, and the trip will remain pleasant.

On roads within the city, as a rule, speed limits are set at 50 - 80 km / h. By the way, this provides good gas mileage. On country roads, care must be taken and attention must be paid - often the roads are crossed by deer or sheep.

Ferries - a visiting card of the fjord countries

When traveling in Scandinavia by car, you will not be able to bypass the ferries. Here they practically have the status of public transport, and there are many remarkable places where you simply cannot get without a ferry. You do not need to purchase ferry tickets in advance, but you should ask about prices and routes in advance.

How much money to cook

(Norwegian currency)
The cost of a trip to Scandinavia with your own car depends on many factors.

On average, if you choose the route "Moscow - St. Petersburg - ferry to Sweden - travel to Norway - return to Sweden - arrival to Finland - ferry Finland-St. Petersburg - Moscow", such a trip, taking into account the cost of gasoline, payment of tickets, visiting museums and attractions, camping and eating will cost about 2,000 euros per person.


Should you travel by car to the Scandinavian countries? If you have such an opportunity - then yes, yes, and again yes! The beauty of this European region is etched into the memory for a long time, and the ability to travel freely, without being tied to the rigid schedule of a tourist group, is an incomparable pleasure.
